Show list of available rubies, ## Usage: rvm list [help,known,remote [|rbx|jruby|all],gemsets,default [string],rubies,strings,known_strings,ruby_svn_tags] ## Actions: - `help` - show this help - `known` - list known rubies, that can be installed - `gemsets` - list all rubies with their gemsets - `rubies` - list installed rubies, it is the default action when none given - `strings` - list installed rubies, machine passable form - `known_strings` - list known rubies, that can be installed, machine passable form - `ruby_svn_tags` - list ruby tags available at - `default [string]` - show the default ruby, passable form with strings - `remote [|rbx|jruby|all]` - list binary build rubies (also for all/rbx/jruby), they do not need compilation, when parameter omitted then only rvm build binaries are listed.