index.txt 4.6 KB

  1. Usage:
  2. rvm [--debug][--trace][--nice] <command> <options>
  3. for example:
  4. rvm list # list installed interpreters
  5. rvm list known # list available interpreters
  6. rvm install <version> # install ruby interpreter
  7. rvm use <version> # switch to specified ruby interpreter
  8. rvm remove <version> # remove ruby interpreter
  9. rvm get <version> # upgrade rvm: stable, master
  10. Available commands:
  11. rvm has a number of common commands, listed below. Additional information about any command
  12. can be found by executing `rvm help <command>`.
  13. ruby installation
  14. fetch # download binary or sources for selected ruby version
  15. install # install ruby interpreter
  16. list # show currently installed ruby interpreters
  17. list known # list available interpreters
  18. mount # install ruby from external locations
  19. patchset # tools related to managing ruby patchsets
  20. pkg # install a dependency package
  21. reinstall # reinstall ruby and run gem pristine on all gems
  22. remove # remove ruby and downloaded sources
  23. requirements # installs dependencies for building ruby
  24. uninstall # uninstall ruby, keeping it's sources
  25. upgrade # upgrade to another ruby version, migrating gems
  26. running different ruby versions
  27. current # print current ruby version and name of used gemsets
  28. do # runs a command against specified and/or all rubies
  29. gemdir # display path to current gem directory ($GEM_HOME)
  30. use <version> # switch to given (and already installed) ruby version
  31. use default # switch to default ruby, or system if none is set
  32. use system # switch to system ruby
  33. wrapper # creates wrapper executables for a given ruby & gemset
  34. managing gemsets
  35. gemset # manage gemsets
  36. migrate # migrate all gemsets from one ruby to another
  37. rvm configuration
  38. alias # define aliases for `rvm use`
  39. autolibs # tweak settings for installing dependencies automatically
  40. group # tools for managing groups in multiuser installations
  41. rvmrc # tools related to managing .rvmrc trust & loading gemsets
  42. rvm maintenance
  43. implode # removes the rvm installation completely
  44. cleanup # remove stale source files & data associated with rvm
  45. cron # manage setup for using ruby in cron
  46. docs # tools to make installing ri and rdoc docs easier
  47. get # upgrades RVM to latest head, stable or branched version
  48. osx-ssl-certs # helps update OpenSSL certs installed by rvm on OS X
  49. reload # reload rvm source itself
  50. reset # remove all default and system settings
  51. snapshot # backup/restore rvm installation
  52. troubleshooting
  53. config-get # display values for RbConfig::CONFIG variables
  54. debug # additional information helping to discover issues
  55. export # set temporary env variable in the current shell
  56. fix-permissions # repairs broken permissions
  57. repair # lets you repair parts of your environment, such as
  58. # wrappers, env files and similar (general maintenance)
  59. rubygems # switches version of rubygems for the current ruby
  60. tools # general information about the ruby env
  61. unexport # undo changes made to the environment by `rvm export`
  62. user # tools for managing RVM mixed mode in multiuser installs
  63. information and documentation
  64. info # show the environment information for current ruby
  65. disk-usage # display disk space occupied by rvm
  66. notes # display notes with operating system specifics
  67. version # display rvm version (equal to `rvm -v`)
  68. additional global options
  69. --debug # toggle debug mode on for very verbose output
  70. --trace # toggle trace mode on to see EVERYTHING rvm is doing
  71. --nice # process niceness (increase the value on slow computers, default 0)